An independent research publication exploring the origins of the Russian imperial project, issues of decoloniality and strategies of resistance

more about the work of the editorial staff

Beda Manifesto


This title is a daily reminder that we cannot turn our backs on violence and discrimination and build them into our daily lives. To recognize the trouble is to accept the reality of the situation and to map out the contours of a society in which war has no place.


Beda is a space for collaborative reflection on history and ideology and their impact on public consciousness, collective memory and everyday life. Our focus is on exploring forms of oppression, dismantling propaganda, and telling stories about decolonial theory and practice, roots and cultures, utopias and dystopias, activism and resistance art. Beda brings together a variety of methods and approaches. Not only academic and institutional, but also produced from below - from artistic practices to engaged observation and personal diaries.


We welcome people of different occupations, ethnic, national and gender identities. Those who represent communities and countries that have experienced encounters with the Russian imperial project, its colonial policies, authoritarianism, military and police violence, exploitation and oppression.


Our team is made up of people engaged in cultural work and activism. We believe in mutual support and horizontal alliances. Our methods are dialog and process. We are willing to admit our mistakes and work on them and are always open to feedback.

We are always open to feedback.

Contact us

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